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Art in Schools

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Why invite an Artist to your school?

Local Artists are a fun and exciting way to inspire your students. Not only does art help students engage in learning and boost mental wellbeing but it also develops creative thinking and enables young people to form an understanding of the world around us.

Artist can help children and young people to have unforgettable learning experiences and encourage them to creatively contribute to society by sharing their own story's through art.

As an Artist I will equip your students to work with a variety of materials and grow their skills in drawing, painting and sculpture. As well as opening their eyes to the cultural and historical significance of the artists that have gone before them.

What I Offer

After School Clubs:

A weekly After School Art Club for students to relax and get creative after school. Students will explore working with different materials and art processes each week, discovering new artists and will work towards developing their own art sketch books.

Duration: 1 hour to 1 hour and 1/2

Price Packages: 

Option 1: £7.50 per student, some materials provided but basic materials (such as paper, pencils, scissors) must be provided by the school, each session must have a minimum of 5 students to go ahead, maximum group size 12 students.

Option 2: £5 per, materials not provided all materials to be provided by the school, each session must have a minimum of 5 students to go a head, maximum group size 12 students.

Option 3: £10 per student, all materials provided, each session must have a minimum of 5 students to go ahead, maximum group size 12 students.

Art Assemblies:

In each assembly students will learn about a new artist and how they shaped the creative world through their work. 

They will also be given the opportunity to practice their drawing skills, developing their ability to form shapes, lines, patterns, texture and shading.

Duration: 15- 30 Minuet 

Price: FREE!

All you need to do is provide your students with a pencil and A5 or A4 drawing pad. Alternatively, just a piece of paper with something to lean on.

Small Group Art Workshops:

Workshop 1: Mono Printing

Workshop 2: Foam Printing

Workshop 3: Mixed Media Collage Mural

Duration: 1 hour to 2 hours

Group size: 10 children per workshop, I can do multiple workshops per day.
Price Per Workshop: £75-135 (Depending on number of student and specialist materials required).

I'm also open to new ideas so if you have a grand plan and you would like an Artist to help you put it into action give me a call!
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Elementary Art Class
Art Class
Rachel Hogg Creative Arts
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